Intern Opportunities

In order to assist colleges to cultivate real talents in line with market demand, promote the close relationship between talent training and local econonic development, as well as expand our own talent reserve platform. Since 2012,based on "cooperation and win-win","trainging talents with professional skills",EVL has cooperated with many universities in Tianjin and established"EVL Supply Chain Service Educational Program".

Up to 2018, EVL has accepted nearly 100 outstanding stidents from many universities, providing students with the opportunities to learn professional logistics operations and teamwork, and to introduce new models for the cultivation of high-quality logistics talents.

Training and Creation

Interns participating in the project will have the opportunity to enter the main business departments of EVL, such as Customs Clearance Department,Warehousing department, etc., to study the professional supply chain operation mode and experience practical skills. We tailors the training program for the students. The department manager will  personally supervise the students' internship process and optimized the training content based on the feedback from the interns.

Envrionment and Opportunites

At EVL, you will get systematic professional supply chain management knowledge, also a hamonious,friendly,free and democratic working envrioment. According to our survey,in EVL, interns can quicly integrate themselves into the working life of EVL,whcih lays a good foundation for students to enter the society in the future.A considerable number of students said taht they will apply the knowledge and skills learned from EVL to their daily school studies,combining books with practice. Many students use EVL's internship experience as a blueprint to achieve outstanding graduation thesis and other awards.

Since the eatablishement of the project,many students who have participated in the internship have successfully passed our assessment and officially joined EVL. They have gradually become the best of their respectice positions.

Who we are looking for

How to join the EVL Supply Chain Service Training Program?

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